QC Conflict Theology

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Conflict Theology by Robert R. Pennington

ePub Format

Conflict Theology is offered by Quantum Christianity, a unique topical Biblical commentary designed to help assess the true nature of our existence and relationship with God in light of both life's daily challenges and ultimate questions.

There is a singular lesson writ large by both science, general revelation and Scripture, special revelation.

Namely, nothing is as simple as it seems.

Science reveals there is far more to what we see than meets the eye. Physics Standard Model explains that while useful, the appearance of all matter is deceptive. Sold surfaces, liquid motion and clouds of gas are all constituted of fantastic particles of infinitesimal size, intricate complexity and amazing properties.

Scripture, as special revelation, further attests to the nature and glory of our Creator and Savior. From remarkable insights into human nature to amazing prophetic fulfillment, the Bible clearly earns its reputation as the Book of books. In the Bible alone, religion and science reach their zenith. As do every other genre. From action and adventure, to crime and mystery. From thriller and occult, to fantasy and science fiction. Each on a global and eternal scale!

Misinterpreting, or even missing the context of Scripture altogether, accounts for a myriad of unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding. Thankfully, studious and honest layman level Bible Study reveals conflict theology as the codex and cypher best unlocking Scripture's rich content..

Accurately combining the context and content of Scripture generates two fundamental tenets. Both as crucial as they are commonly ignored. The first: Creation is at war. The second: Life is a test.

1. Creation Is At War: Careful Scriptural archeology and Biblical forensics reveals much. By stitching scores of passages together, a theological theme emerges revealing Who created the multiverse and why. The truth about Lucifer's Rebellion and how it effects Heaven and Earth. How the trial in Eternity's Supreme Court overflows into the affairs of men.

It can’t be overstated that according to the context of Scripture, spiritual conflict is not a mythical analogy, but rather eternity’s reality.

Biblical passages attest to the unpleasant fact that all creation is at war with (alongside or against) God. There is no neutral territory.

Down through millennia Scripture continues to whisper and shout there is far more going on than is immediately apparent. Put succinctly, open war is upon us. This is why the Bible warns that God’s promise of reward is reserved for those diligently, rather than casually, seeking Him. With Hell to loose and Heaven to gain, could even Omnity provide greater motivation? Primary reasons for both Old Testament narratives and the New Testament's call to arms.

2. Life Is A Test: For some, the ancient adage, "Life's a test" is more obvious than for others. Nevertheless, this universal truth is Scriptural in nature. Even for those fortunate enough to live in the modern world, were life’s battlefield may seem far removed. With technological advances all but conquering basic challenges, we savor the ease of victory. We not only enjoy, but daily take for granted, an incredible array of blessings.

On the flip side, Jesus warned, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” An approaching universal reckoning of even greater concern with spiritual conflict reaching an all time high.

Subtle as it is certain, challenges to Christianity abound. While woefully one-sided, the Church is at war. From ubiquitous levels of demonic temptation and deception, to devilish apathy and inverted morality. Both inside and outside the camp.

All concerns exacerbated in 2020 by Christian sanctuaries shuttered worldwide, for the first time in millennia. Predominately by the gross mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic, instituting nearly instantaneous global control of economies and institutions. Providing strong evidence of the emergence of a new sociopolitical era. Thus advancing an ever increasing number of serious threats. Creating a culture of billions of displaced individuals and organizations. Not to mention dazed and confused spiritual refugees. With far more on the way.

Such challenges test our spiritual and social comprehension and resolve. Moving individuals and societies towards genuine repentance and spurring us on "to love and good deeds.” Or the reverse.

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