Times And Seasons by Robert R. Pennington
ePub Format
Times And Seasons is offered by Quantum Christianity, a unique topical Biblical commentary designed to help assess the true nature of our existence and relationship with God in light of both life's daily challenges and ultimate questions.
The Bible uses the concept of Times and Seasons in a variety of ways. Yet, none more instrumental than in recognition that human history, and creation itself, has a beginning and end. Regarding the eternal councils, the Holy Spirit and Scripture helps clarify God’s plans. Enabling honest and diligent Christians to prepare as the end times draw near. And with them unprecedented crises and opportunity. Considerations all the more important given the exceptional challenges presented in 2020. As well as those soon to be thrust upon us.
In many ways, the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, are unique in human history. Beyond concerns as to the origin and spread of the virus, the handling of treatment options and statistical analysis are troubling. As is the creation and world wide distribution of the first genetically engineered RNA vaccine without what normally passes for proper consideration and clinical trials.
Further alarming has been coinciding sociopolitical upheavals, seemingly instigated by governmental, medial and business power-brokers fostering an incredibly obvious and aggressive campaign of disinformation. On a variety of fronts. Including ludicrous support for BLM rioting and looting, violence and murder. Domestic terrorism on a national scale
Scripture is clear such manipulations of facts and logic, much less the rebellion and anarchy they promote, are forbidden and will prove disastrous for all parties involved. And what has been our response to the modern devilish campaign of temptation and deception, entitlement and sin? The continued nearly wholesale substitution of assumed salvation for repentance, presumption for faith and inappropriate worship for sanctification.
The last half century has produced hundreds of millions of spiritually anemic believers. The vast majority of which are unable to quote ten Scriptures in row, or in most cases five, much less interpret and implement them correctly. Thus leaving the average church attender functionally Biblically illiterate. Adding to our sloth is prayerlessness, easily demonstrated by the fact that most refuse to stop and seriously pray even ten minutes a day. Such a one-two punch of apathy and worse has created a generation of largely practical agnostics believers.
Contributing factors to our deteriorating spiritual, and often physical condition, are unprecedented levels of overindulgence in worldly temptations and deceptions, doubtful habits and sins. Major contributors to individuals and marriages, families and society at large figuratively and literally coming apart at the seams.
While the Bible offers a cure for such a glaring lack of discipline, any honest assessment clearly indicates we are unfit for the rigors of radical Christian discipleship. Which according to the Scripture, may be the only kind Christ accepts.
Simply put, it’s one thing to fight and fail, it’s another to fail to fight.
Tragically, we may soon find that squandering our time and resources has left us woefully unprepared for the increasingly dark and diabolical challenges arrayed before us. Not to mention our inability to provide necessary aid to the pitiful and unsuspecting world for whom we were called to be salt and light.
God have mercy. Christ have mercy.